A Stony Heart

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Of all the paths I take in life,
You led me here to begin again.

We first met on our way to the beach,
How fast you jaw dropped
When we made eye contact.

The next time I go with you to the beach,
With every crash of the midnight waves,
We came, found that peace and left our stress.

Beers on the beach, sharing glances,
Trying to share stories,
I have seen the broken glass inside of yours.

I stretched my ears,
Heard the entirety of your ache,
Without saying a single thing.

The sound of the beach as we walk,
Romantic song plays,
We both laughed as the group of friends look on us.

Cool breeze of the ocean,
Lying on the shoreline,
Instantly fall asleep beside you.

When the sun begins to rise,
I've seen you wet from the beach.
Happy but looked empty with a stony heart.

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